Friday, April 17, 2009

1. Join me in being thankful for what we have.
2. Put a little smile in your day!
3. Happiness is what we should all strive for.
4. Tired and confused & forget my children at home.
5. I'm waiting for my husband to come home.
6. Napping is hard to resist. (I bet you didn't see that one coming, HA!)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working, tomorrow my plans include shopping and Sunday, I want to hang out!

I know I've been slacking on the updates. What can I say?
My birthday. Ugh. Hated it and loved it. I am oddly glad to be 42. Maybe more like thankful. 41 I was in the hospital post bilateral mastectomy and not feeling so great. This time, I was post-op again but in a much better place. I got a Rooma for my birthday which I am in love with. I got an awesome new camera that fits in my purse. A back scratcher because my arms no longer can move the way they used to. I got ice packs for my headaches YEA! And my Mom took us out for lunch and dinner for 4 nights. It was an awesome birthday. I mean, really awesome. My Roomba is on at least 2 times a day and I hear there is a Scuba. OMG! Someone get me a paper bag to breath in. I am in love! So that is on my want list now.
Our Roomba is named Wall-e. He is totally cute and I love him.

So I need to tell me next Mom of the Year story. I am mortified that this happened. Last week I took Josh to school. I put Jake down and thought "I will just lay down for a few minutes" Next thing I know, it is 2:30 and I am supposed to be at Josh's school at 2:15 to pick him up. I am NEVER late for anything ever! So I tear out of the house, I cannot believe I am late. Of course they are painting the streets and there is traffic. So I call Charlie and ask him to call the school and tell them I am on my way. I pull up to school and realize I had left Jake at home in his crib. Am I THE worst mother ever? I cannot believe I did that. I have never even left my children in the car to go into 7-11. So I call Charlie and tell him. I will not repeat what he said in front of polite company but he was half giggling at me.
All was well when I got home but I will never live down that I left my child at home alone.
OK I need to go despite that I have more to say.
Hugs to all!

1 comment:

zippy said...

Oh, don't you just LOVE days like that? Next time, CALL ME so I can help you! : )