Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quiet Moment

I am actually in the middle of the quietest moment I have had in a very long time. It's really just so peaceful for once.

So I am not sure if I mentioned that I got a job about a month ago. I am answering text questions and I absolutely love it. Anyway, I had to take a series of tests etc and I passed. Then I was supposed to go into a shadowing phase but they forewent the shadowing and plunged me right in. It was a little nervewracking but I managed. Well, I have been really enjoying it and this last week I was given a promotion already. I will be a Quality Agent doing quality assurance on outgoing messages and also shadowing new incoming recruits. So it is kind of exciting. I finished up my training last night and I am waiting for the email telling me I am ready to go ahead. It has been kind of a release for me to be able to do something productive besides cooking & cleaning (niether of which I do well). I actually feel sort of useful!

Josh got the notice on Friday that he is too smart to continue preschool through Summer. It's good and it's bad. I mean, I think he going to miss it but I am glad he is so smart! He knows his ABC's and his numbers. He is pretty amazing.

Has my Community Action Program meeting Tuesday. An hour before the meeting, they called to tell me that the Chairperson could not make it and I would be running the meeting because I am Vice Chairperson. Yikes! I was so nervous but as soon as I started talking, it went away and I was fine. I actually liked it. So we have decided to have monthly meetings. Also, there is a committee person that used to teach Parenting Classes and I volunteered to assist teaching. People who are court ordered Parenting classes have to go really far away and I think that is crazy. You have a huge liklihood that the class will never be completed if you make it impossible to get to. So hopefully the Town of Buckeye will have a Parenting Class starting here shortly! Yea!

OK I need to get Josh enrolled into swim lessons and go pick him up.
Hugs to all!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Sounds like things are going great Andrea! :)