Friday, May 15, 2009

My friend's Blog

I love when my friends blog. Then I can keep up with them when I cannot see or talk to them because we are all so busy these days.
Yea Mandy! She is blogging now! Check her out!
I wonder if I supposed to spill the beans on her blog. I will ask first and repost the link if I get persmission.

Happy Friday everyone. I will do my Friday Fill-In a bit.

1. If we had no winter I would never live in Phoenix.
2. Animal abuse is a perpetual astonishment.
3. If I had my life to live over I wouldn't change a thing because I would have never met Charlie.
4. I sleep inside of four and twenty hours.
5. If you've never been thrilled wait until you hold your first baby. You'll never be the same again, it is pure love.
6. To be interested in the changing seasons I look forward to the good things about each season.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working, tomorrow my plans include swim lessons, working, and watch my main man Alex and Sunday, I want to shop!

OK so here is a peeve. Why is it when you go to the store, fast food drive through, bank, etc. that they always error on the side of them? Think about it, as many errors as you have seen and encountered how many of us can say that we have had a bonanza in our favor? For instance, this last week we went to a fast food place and they forgot several items. That benefits the company. Why don't we get extra change, extra food, under charged items? Hmph!

Joke: During Church service the small children were invited to stand up infront and to say a short prayer to ask for help for something foranyone besides for themselves. This is one of those heartfelt sweetprayers:
"Dear God: Please send clothes for all those poor women in Daddy's computer. Amen."

Happy Friday everyone! I am taking Josh to school and then napping so I can work late tonight.
Love to all!

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