Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Fill In

1. I love being at home.
2. My favorite thing for dinner lately has been chicken fried steak & potatoes.
3. My neighbors dog does nothing but bark! bark! bark!
4. A nice long walk does not appeal to me.
5. I would love some good news.
6. When all is said and done, family is there.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working, tomorrow my plans include taking Josh to his swim lesson and Sunday, I want to work!

So really quick. I fell down the stair day before yesterday. Ended up in ER then Urgent Care. Nothing broken. Though Charlie said last night the Dr. said my tow was broken. I don't remember that.

My friends daughter Breana is out of the hospital after lung surgery.

Charlie's sister Heidi is having a boy!

Pulled Josh out of camp because all they did was sit in this little room all day. I put him into a Sports Camp that starts Monday.

OK sorry, have to go make breakfast.


Crystal said...

Sorry to hear about your fall! Hope you feel better soon!

zippy said...

Ouch--I hope you're doing okay! Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you guys.

Oh, also...I just noticed that you have a link for your Friday Fill In's...yay! I've been wondering where you get them, so thanks for putting that link up. I LOVE your FFI's and think I might just start following your lead. : )