Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Fill In

Onc Nurse didn't think the bone thing was anything. Bone pain is better. Skipped Onc appointment, I know bad. I just have no desire to go back. I have such a handful here. I'm finding very little time to do the simpliest things. The kids are more demanding than ever. Even phone calls have become impossible. I am behind on every aspect of my life. I have had to try to keep the kids busy. We do two activities a day. A play place, lunch, swimming in the afternoon. When I take a day off, they fight and destroy the house. So I am doing my best to get them out.

1. She had a great and blessed life.
2. My kids are by my side, always.
3. I know this: my house will continue to be messy until my kids mature.
4. I want another baby still.
5. These words apply to me: lucky, blessed, happy, loved, unorganized.
6. Last week the sun was shining.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working, tomorrow my plans include a movie & dinner with my husband finally and Sunday, I want to shop!

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